Accepting new dog clients under 25lbs at this time.
Located at 7 Oakes Street, Everett, MA 02149
(Behind Continental Bakery) Parking available in driveway.
Call or text us at: 617.389.3153
Or email at
Please visit appointment page to access the forms needed to schedule an appointment. You can email them to Also, forms are available in wall box at salon entrance.
I would ask you assist us during this difficult time with covid, to have pet with only 1 collar or harness, that is securely fitted. Please, no retractable leashes, most are always broken or unlocked.
In addition, all other items remove from pet prior to drop off, such as flea / tick collars and clothing.
Please check before leaving, the fit of collar or harness! Some haircuts, change how they fit. With so many different harness and collar types, along with each clients comfort level of fit, the owner should be responsible for checking if in good working order, along with fit.
Parking is available in driveway, if all 5 to 6 spots taken, you may park behind any vehicle in the driveway.
We look forward to grooming your pet!